Aim & Objective

Aim & Objective

The first and foremost aim of the institution is to inculcate in our pupils a sense of discipline, honesty, tolerance, co-operation, self-respect & national integration to make them a productive & responsible citizen of india in true sense.

We endeavour to inculcate in our pupils a deep feeling for the association with our indian Heritage and to revive and sustain in them the manifestation of the indian culture.The school environment in itself upholds the cherished values of our esteemed Trustees i.e. "We are Indians First and The Indian Last"

The school lays stress on imparting education with firm moral base so that the children may grow as men of character with a sense of duty,dedication and services to the society.

The school teaching is equipped with modern teaching aids and required facilities.Your ward will be provided with ample opportunity to grow and progress in a modern society.

The primary objective of the school include:

Individual Attention

Development Of love for Knowledge & Learning.

Development of free thinking & individual skills

Quality & moral based education is the motto & sole objective of the school

Moral values among students to enable them emerge as true human beings

To teach to respect every religion,caste,creed,race and secular values of indian society

Development of tolerance,honesty and sense of responsibility emphasis on academics,co-curricular ,sports and character building activities.

To be an Institute of Excellence in academic,sports & Co-curricular Activities & far from the maddening crowd of commerical organisation,the so called Public Schools

The Curriculum and calendar of activities in the school are drawn up keeping the above objectives in view. For the achievement of these objectives home and school environment play equally important role. Learning continues at all times and all places, so it is expected that parents play positive role & lend their whole hearted co-operation to the school administration in inculcating the right values in their wards.